SPRAY AND PROTECT YOUR CAR, BIKE, ELECTRIC WIRES, CABLES, RUBBER PARTS, PIPES, AND MORE! bitter rat, rat spray for car, bitter rat repellent, rat repellent for car, rat repellent spray BITTER FOR RATS. BETTER FOR YOU No longer will you need to worry about your precious and expensive possessions being chewed up and destroyed by rats. By the way, rats chew not to eat, but to prevent their incisors from growing. Spray a double coat of bitteR that lasts for 2 months. Repel rats the easy, proven way. bitter rat, rat spray for car, bitter rat repellent, rat repellent for car, rat repellent spray POWERFUL RAT REPELLENT SPRAY Stop the rat menace to home, garage, data center, or warehouse. Spray XTRA STRONG bitteR on things rats chew. The intense bitter formulation of the spray coat inflicts a powerful shock to the rodent’s mouth and stops them from coming back. FOR USE ON VEHICLES Always spray on a cool engine at room temperature. First, clean and dry the surface thoroughly. Do not start the engine for 4 hrs after application. View the video for better understanding. 2. Can I spray in the garden on roots, soil or crops? No. The product is not suited to be used on plants and crops. The product may not work as anticipated if simply sprayed in the rodent’s movement path. The product is designed to be sprayed to protect any equipment or item which the rats chew and destroy. 3. Is it compulsory to wear mask
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