हमारे बारे में
Admaira Pest Control is the best local pest control experts in Varanasi.
Established in the year 2018, Admaira Pest Control. is one of the leading professional pest control service providers in Varanasi. We are an ISO 9001:2015 certified company and are a member of Indian Pest Control Association (IPCA) . We are an esteemed and premier service provider / company in the field of highly effective pest management services such as; termite control, rodent control, cockroaches control, mosquito control, etc. With the help of a well managed, diligent, reliable and highly professional team we are serving in majority areas of Uttar Pradesh and make folk able to get rid of annoying and harmful pests and insects.
We Are Professionals
Expert Team Members
Satisfied Clients
Daily Projects
जिन ग्राहकों को हमने पिछले 2 वर्षों में सेवा दी है
आज हमें कॅाल करें
+91 8881288810
हमें आपकी हमेशा मदद करने और उत्तर प्रदेश में कीट नियंत्रण प्रबंधन की सर्वोत्तम सेवाएं प्रदान करने में प्रसन्नता हो रही है, जिसका मुख्यालय वाराणसी और प्रयागराज में है।
Our Expert Team
The Heads behind the idea and success of Admaira Peast Control. Specialize in pest prevention and removal with the application of safe pesticides while adhering to the highest standards. Our strong team of dedicated, knowledgeable and highly experienced technicians provide you effective pest control solutions for both residential and commercial areas. We are your trusted partner for pest control.